Scenic Hudson was founded in 1963, when Hudson Valley residents organized to save Storm King Mountain from being transformed into a pumped-storage hydroelectric plant. Over the years, they have transformed into environmental stewards of the Hudson Valley, acquiring land and conservation easements to create parks and preserves, protecting lands of high scenic and ecological importance, and conserving farmland. They also engage in scientific studies, legislative lobbying, advocacy, and litigation all designed to maximize environmental protection.

Liberty partnered with Scenic Hudson to rebuild their strategic communications strategy through a comprehensive research exercise covering organizational structure, audience identification, and messaging tactics. Our goal was to strengthen the connection between outdoor recreational enjoyment in the Hudson Valley and the vital work Scenic Hudson undertakes. This involved a strategic messaging exercise, a rebranding initiative, the design of a comprehensive social media program, and the creation of a dynamic new website.

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Strategic Communications & Audience Identification

Liberty conducted a strategic messaging exercise to articulate the link between Scenic Hudson’s conservation efforts and the recreational opportunities they provide. This began with key stakeholder interviews, on-site visits to understand organizational structure, and constituent identification. We created key personas for each audience segment, complete with targeted communications goals and appropriate brand voice.

As strategic messaging goals were created, we also focused on the organizational structure of Scenic Hudson in order to maximize effective messaging for each facet of a complex operation. Our goal was to ensure that the communications team was properly staffed in order to execute on tactical objectives, and that each critical mission of Scenic Hudson was properly represented to the appropriate audience.

Targeted Audiences & Tactical Messaging

After creating a strategic framework for the communications goals of the organization, Liberty assisted in building a cohesive matrix of brand identity, audience goals, and tactical messaging for Scenic Hudson. In addition to standardizing the communications regimen, we also created a targeted social media strategy to leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage the community, promote events, and raise awareness about conservation efforts. The program included content calendars, channel-specific strategies, and analytics reporting to measure impact.

Branding and Website Creation

Based on our strategic communications exercise, Liberty developed a refreshed brand identity for Scenic Hudson. This included an updated logo, color palette, typography, and brand guidelines. This new identity highlights Scenic Hudson’s commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement.

Following established brand guidelines, we then designed and developed a new website, optimized to connect audiences with pertinent content to maximize engagement. The new website provides a dynamic experience for Scenic Hudson that serves as a central platform for education, engagement, and advocacy. The site features immersive visuals, intuitive navigation, and interactive elements that showcase the beauty and importance of the Hudson Valley.

Since the implementation of these initiatives, Scenic Hudson has seen significant positive outcomes:

  • Website traffic increased by 275% in the first year, reflecting a heightened interest in Scenic Hudson’s mission and activities.
  • Social media engagement grew by 300%, with an expanded audience and increased interaction with posts.
  • Membership and volunteer participation have risen, demonstrating stronger community involvement and support.
  • Scenic Hudson’s new brand identity has strengthened its reputation as a leading force in environmental conservation in the Hudson Valley.

Liberty’s collaboration with Scenic Hudson has successfully enhanced their digital footprint and communication strategy, positioning them for continued success in their mission to protect and preserve the Hudson Valley for future generations.